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Justine Pattinson

Category: Leisure: Food & Drink
ISBN: 0-00-858016-2 EAN: 978-0-00-858016-2 Format: Hardback Pages: 239 Publisher: HQ Year: 2023 Quantity in Stock: 258
Cover price: £20 Sale Price: £6.99

Create cost-effective, energy-efficient, delicious dishes using just your microwave oven Create cost-effective, energy-efficient, delicious dishes using just your microwave ovenPing! is set to revolutionise microwave cooking.An accessible, modern, fresh cookbook that showcases mouth-watering recipes cooked in the microwave oven.Justine Pattison will show how you can create beautiful, delicious dishes all in under 20 minutes.Each recipe is designed specifically for microwave cooking - and they are not only simple to prepare and taste amazing - but they look great too.

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