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A Call Less Ordinary
Rich Wilson

Category: Humanities: Religion
ISBN: 0-281-08188-3 EAN: 978-0-281-08188-2 Format: Paperback Pages: 240 Publisher: InterVarsity Press Year: 2020 Quantity in Stock: 12
Cover price: £13.79 Sale Price: £4.99

What is my calling? It is a question wrestled with throughout every stage of life but perhaps felt most acutely by the twenty-something population. As Christians we might know that life to the full is experienced when we respond recklessly and wholeheartedly to the call of God. But how do we know what that is? And how do we pursue it once we do? This book tells the story of Rich Wilson and the growth Fusion, a movement that serves over 2200 churches across Europe in reaching students. Packed full of stories of ordinary people caught up in a much bigger God charged-movement, this book will inspire, challenge, reassure and encourage readers that God has a call and a plan for every single life. Exploring the adventures and adversity we face as we dare to live out a faithful response to the call to follow Jesus, these God encounters, ignition moments, dead ends and failures will show how God can use all things to become tools for transformation and forge faith in the journey.

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