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Karl Ove Knausgård

Category: Biographies & Memoirs: General
ISBN: 0-399-56333-4 EAN: 978-0-399-56333-1 Format: HB Pages: 254 Publisher: Penguin Year: 2021 Quantity in Stock: 25
Cover price: £22 Sale Price: £4.99

"In Winter, we rejoin the great Karl Ove Knausgaard as he waits for the birth of his daughter. In preparation for her arrival, he takes stock of the world, seeing it as if for the first time. In his inimitably sensitive style, he writes about the moon, water, messiness, owls, birthdays--to name just a handful of his subjects. He fills these oh-so-familiar objects and ideas with new meaning, taking nothing for granted or as given. New life is on the horizon, but the earth is also in hibernation, waiting for the warmer weather to return, and so a contradictory melancholy inflects his gaze."--Page [4] of cover.

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