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Youniverse: A Short Guide to Modern Science
Elsie Burch Donald

Category: Sciences: Science
ISBN: 0-7156-5422-5 EAN: 978-0-7156-5422-4 Format: Hardback Pages: 226 Publisher: Duckworth Year: 2021 Quantity in Stock: 300
Cover price: £9.99 Sale Price: £3.99

Your guide to science, from the Big Bang to AI Whether you wish to discover the basics of science or catch up on its latest developments, this short accessible guide is for you. YOUNIVERSE describes in simple terms the world you are inseparably a part of: what it is, how it works and your place in it – insofar as these things are known. The text has been vetted by 13 distinguished scientists. Journey now through time and space, a world of the unimaginably big and the inconceivably small – though the marvels of science. *PRAISE FOR YOUNIVERSE* ‘This is a fine piece of work... very entertaining and informative... It should appeal and be useful to the generalist who wants an overview of science.’ Sir Peter Ratcliffe, 2019 Nobel Prize winner and head of clinical research at the Francis Crick Institute

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