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Tom Hall

Category: Sciences: Sociology & Psychology
ISBN: 0-7453-3057-6 EAN: 978-0-7453-3057-0 Format: Paperback Pages: 260 Publisher: Pluto Press Year: 2017 Quantity in Stock: 154
Cover price: £19.99 Sale Price: £4.99

Footwork is an original street-corner ethnography drawing on the themes of urban regeneration, lost space and the 24-hour city. From the rough sleeping homeless to street drinkers and sex workers, it shows how urban modernisation, development and austerity politics impact the hidden lives of people living and working on the streets.To create this anthropology of the modern British city, Footwork follows the work of a team of outreach workers in Cardiff, tasked to look out for the homeless and others similarly vulnerable, harried and exposed. Tom Hall's fieldwork study encompasses aspects of urban geography, care work and street-level poverty, violence and isolation, this book reveals the stories of the vulnerable and isolated - people living in the city we often choose to ignore.

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