How Not to Kill Yourself
Clancy Martin
Category: Biographies & Memoirs: General
ISBN: 0-86154-048-4 EAN: 978-0-86154-048-8 Format: hardback Publisher: Oneworld Year: 2023 Quantity in Stock: 80
Cover price: £18.99 Sale Price: £6.99
The last time Clancy Martin tried to kill himself was in his basement with a dog leash. He didn't write a note. How Not to Kill Yourself is an affirmation of life by someone who has tried to end it multiple times. It's about standing in your bathroom every morning, gearing yourself up to die. It's about choosing to go on living anyway. In an unflinching account of his darkest moments, Clancy Martin makes the case against suicide, drawing on the work of philosophers from Seneca to Jean Améry. Through critical inquiry and practical steps, we might yet answer our existential despair more freely - and with a little more creativity.
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