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The New Digital Workplace
Kendra Briken, Shiona Chillas, Martin Krzywdzinski, Abigail Marks

Category: General Non Fiction: Academic
ISBN: 1-13761013-1 EAN: 978-1-13761013-3 Format: Paperback Pages: 271 Publisher: Palgrave Year: 2017 Quantity in Stock: 13
Cover price: £64.99 Sale Price: £7.99

With contributions from over 20 leading scholars from across the globe, this new book brings together a number of papers that have been presented at the annual International Labour Process Conference, at which the conference theme 'Working Revolutions: Revolutionising Work' provided the inspiration for many of the chapters included in this volume. Grounded in Labour Process Theory, the text examines how digital technologies impact on work and organisations and provides a rigorous account of the technological, organizational and work related changes in both the new digital industries and in the traditional service and manufacturing sectors. The book covers many of the most significant contemporary issues and subjects in the field, including the representation of women in IT, workplace cyberbulling, virtualisation and the video games industry. This book is essential reading for upper-level undergraduate and postgraduate students studying modules related to technology and work, as well as modules in work sociology on sociology degree programmes.

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