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Social Media Success for Every Brand
Claire Diaz-Ortiz

Category: General Non Fiction: Business
ISBN: 1-4002-1496-3 EAN: 978-1-4002-1496-9 Format: Paperback Pages: 175 Publisher: Harper Collins Year: 2019 Quantity in Stock: 17
Cover price: £12.99 Sale Price: £4.99

Apply the seven universal elements of powerful stories to dramatically improve how you connect with customers and grow your business through social media channels. Thousands of marketing and brand practitioners have adopted the StoryBrand model of marketing messaging and brand-building from the #1 Wall Street Journal bestseller, Building a StoryBrand by Donald Miller. The StoryBrand team gets hundreds of questions during workshops and online seminars about specifically how to apply the StoryBrand model in specific communication channels: social media, web sites, direct mail, etc. Social Media Success for Every Brand tells readers the core principles of Storybranding, then shares roll-up-your-sleeves practical guidance on the SHARE model for building your social StoryBrand: Story How Audience Reach Excellence Social Media Success for Every Brand doesn't require the reader to be familiar with Building a StoryBrand, but provides enough foundation in StoryBrand messaging concepts to prepare the reader for practical success in social media content development and customer engagement to build the organization's brand and revenues.

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