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Toller: Plays Two
Ernst Toller

Category: Art & Media: Stage & Screen
ISBN: 1-78319-126-0 EAN: 978-1-78319-126-0 Format: Paperback Pages: 293 Publisher: Oberon Year: 2019 Quantity in Stock: 22
Cover price: £18.99 Sale Price: £5.99

The second collection of plays from the German Expressionist playwright. Includes the plays: The Machine Breakers, The German Hinkemann, The Revenge of the Lover Scorned, Wotan Unbound, Day of the Proletariat and German Revolution. Ernst Toller (1893-1939) was a formative figure in the development of theatrical modernism. He was also a revolutionary activist who experienced fully the unbearable cataclysms of his times: war, revolution, imprisonment, the chaos of Weimar life, Nazi persecution, exile and the Holocaust. His revolutionary intensity infuses these three innovative plays, all of which inspired landmark productions and substantially extended the language of theatricality. These stage-worthy new translations capture that spirit of artistic and political combustion and should help to restore Toller's rightful place in the modern repertoire.

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