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Classical Music Encyclopedia
Charles Wilson

Category: Art & Media: Music
ISBN: 1-78361-283-5 EAN: 978-1-78361-283-3 Format: Hardback Pages: 496 Publisher: Flametree Year: 2014 Quantity in Stock: 280
Cover price: £20 Sale Price: £6.99

The Classical Music Encylopedia, now fully updated, traces the development of Western music from medieval times through to the twenty-first century. Each chapter begins with an Introduction to the era, followed by an A to Z of the key composers and musicians of the era, with an expert's recommended recording for each entry. Within these, the musical greats – from Mozart to Stravinksy – have more extensive entries. The Styles and Forms sections discuss the many different styles of music, from the earliest notation to the minimalism of the twentieth century, while the development of each era's Instruments is also extensively investigated. Written by many of the world's leading experts in the field, this invaluable encyclopedia is comprehensive, easy-to-use and highly informative – an essential guide for readers of all levels.

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