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The Orwell Tour
Oliver Lewis

Category: Leisure: Travel
ISBN: 1-78578-961-9 EAN: 978-1-78578-961-8 Format: Hardback Pages: 285 Publisher: Icon Year: 2023 Quantity in Stock: 731
Cover price: £20 Sale Price: £6.99

A travelogue exploring the life and work of George Orwell through the places he lived, worked and wrote Following in the footsteps of his literary hero, researcher and historian Oliver Lewis set out to visit all the places to have inspired and been lived in by George Orwell. Over three years he travelled from Wigan to Catalonia, Paris to Motihari, Marrakesh to Eton, and in each location explored both how Orwell experienced the place, and how the place now remembers him as a literary icon. Beginning in Northern India, where Orwell was born in 1903, and ending in the Oxfordshire village of Sutton Courtenay, where he was laid to rest in 1950, The Orwell Tour offers an accessible and informative new biography of Orwell through the lens of place.

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