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A Promise of Ankles
Alexander McCall Smith

Category: Fiction: General
ISBN: 1-84697-556-5 EAN: 978-1-84697-556-1 Format: Hardback Pages: 297 Publisher: Polygon Year: 2020 Quantity in Stock: 208
Cover price: £17.99 Sale Price: £4.99

"The winds of change are blowing through Scotland Street. Though Bertie is getting older, he can't resist an adventure to escape his domineering mother, and Bruce, ever the navel-gazer, will have to bring his best self to navigate the complexities of the pas de deux. While Alexander McCall Smith's delightfully warm and witty comedy takes some surprising turns, the improbable adventures of this quirky cast of Scots will affirm the heart and joy in Edinburgh's New Town."--Provided by publisher.

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