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A Voyage to War
Hugh Dulley

Category: Biographies & Memoirs: General
ISBN: 1-910500-55-0 EAN: 978-1-910500-55-2 Format: hardcover Pages: 320 Publisher: Uniform Year: 2016 Quantity in Stock: 59
Cover price: £19.95 Sale Price: £5.99

"Hugh Dulley's father (Peter Dulley) and mother(Therese Sander) met in Hong Kong on New Year's Eve1935. Four years later at the outbreak of War Peter, a weekend sailor, was called up in the Hong Kong Royal Naval Volunteers. He eventually graduated to commanding an ocean-going tug of 500 tons, which he took from Hong Kong to Aden. On route he called at islands still enjoying pre-war peacetime and navigated across the Indian Ocean using a sextant.In July 1940 Therese, who was eight months pregnant,was evacuated from Hong Kong to the Philippines, where Hugh was born. She then travelled to Australia after a short stop in Hong Kong, which was to be the last time she saw Peter. Collected here is six years of correspondence from Peter to Therese. Edited and condensed by Hugh, it paints a unique and often humourous portrait of life in Hong Kong in the run up to and during the early stages of World War II"-- Publisher description.

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