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Scapegoat, The
Michael V. Solomon

Category: Fiction: General
ISBN: 1-911397-43-5 EAN: 978-1-911397-43-4 Format: Paperback Pages: 416 Publisher: Unicorn Year: 2023 Quantity in Stock: 145
Cover price: £10 Sale Price: £3.99

Publius Ovidius Naso (43BC - 17/18AD), known as Ovid, was known as much for his disgrace as for his poetry. By pleasing his contemporaries, befriending patricians and subtly mocking the emperor Augustus, he was transformed from a provincial outsider to Rome's darling - and, for some, its corrupter. Banished without trial to a remote port on the Black Sea, he continued to write. It is fortunate that most of his work has not been lost. The transformation stories of his masterpiece - The Metamorphoses - inspired not just Shakespeare, Chaucer and Milton, but have been a major influence on European culture. His handbooks of erotic love taught men and women the art of dealing with the opposite sex. They brought him instant literary glory and notable adversaries. His works were banned by the emperor Augustus, by Savonarola, by the Bishop's Ban, by the Vatican and eventually by the US Custom Office; this latter only lifted in 1930. To discover who was Ovid the man, Michael Solomon travelled in his footsteps, seeking the same landscapes today that Ovid found two thousand years ago.

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