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Abiding Buddha
Xu Bin Jueyi

Category: Art & Media: Art, Photography & Fashion
ISBN: 1-911604-34-1 EAN: 978-1-911604-34-1 Format: Hardcover Pages: 144 Publisher: Unicorn Year: 2018 Quantity in Stock: 39
Cover price: £25 Sale Price: £8.99

Xu Bin Jueyi's sculpture breaks nearly a hundred years of stasis in Buddha sculpting. Using contemporary materials such as metal, resin and wood, Jueyi literally reshapes the aesthetic for Buddha imagery while retaining the compassion and tranquillity that lies behind it. Through the study and sketching of Chinese and Tibetan natural scenery and folk customs, the artist has gained an in depth understanding of the supreme place of spirituality in Buddhist followers' lives. The purity and serenity of their quest, and Xu Bin's own quest, are shown in the sculptor's creative energy which inspire their quests for peace and serenity. The resulting Buddha sculptures bring together contemporary and traditional images and ideas. Simple and clear, they display a minimalism in keeping with the Buddha's life example, while inviting the viewer to delve deeper into the Buddha's expansive teachings.

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