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Climate Adaptation
Morgan Phillips, Renuka Thakore, Andrew Suggitt

Category: Sciences: Science
ISBN: 1-912092-12-3 EAN: 978-1-912092-12-3 Format: Paperback Pages: 307 Publisher: Arkbound Year: 2021 Quantity in Stock: 309
Cover price: £12.99 Sale Price: £4.99

Where is the world really heading, and what can we do about it? This book takes an unflinching look at climate change, drawing upon the latest data to analyse what the next decades hold in store. With atmospheric CO2 at unprecedented levels and insufficient action being taken to prevent a rise in temperatures above 2 degrees centigrade, we are not just looking at significant disruption but the possibility of societal collapse. For the first time ever, the magnitude of this challenge is faced head on, with avenues to truly address it presented. Case studies and models from over 18 authors around the world show ways that we can build adaptation and resilience, as well as what 'zero emissions' really mean. The book also provides a platform for those from a range of diverse backgrounds, whose unique experience and knowledge brings vital new perspectives. From those already feeling the impacts of climate change in the Global South to community leaders fighting to create real alternatives, we get a chance to understand the nuances and possibilities of the task ahead.

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