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Truth and Beauty
Ian Strathcarron, Sophie Chang

Category: Art & Media: Art, Photography & Fashion
ISBN: 1-912690-97-7 EAN: 978-1-912690-97-8 Format: Hardcover Pages: 176 Publisher: Unicorn Year: 2020 Quantity in Stock: 20
Cover price: £30 Sale Price: £8.99

Sophie Chang has been actively pursuing her artistic exploration in recent years. Her works incorporate Western painting style into the freehand style (or xieyi) of Chinese ink wash paintings, and integrate expressive use of colours into metaphysical spirituality. Chang has focused her studies on ink wash and calligraphy in recent years, and has employed the techniques of collage to merge Eastern subtleties of ink in her works with Western influences.Sophie Chang's artistic journey progresses from realistic imagery to spiritual abstract languages; and through her works she expresses her inner maturity and clarity ("a mountain seen remains a mountain being"). Ch'an philosophy looks through the land of the soulful heart, mirroring the spirit of compassion and universal love through years of life experiences.

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