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Hangover Food
Dog 'n' Bone Books

Category: Leisure: Food & Drink
ISBN: 1-912983-03-6 EAN: 978-1-912983-03-2 Format: Hardcover Pages: 64 Publisher: Dog & Bone Year: 2019 Quantity in Stock: 184
Cover price: £7.99 Sale Price: £3.99

Wave goodbye to your hangover with these 35 tasty recipes—each one the perfect antidote to alcohol overindulgence. Overdid it on the G&Ts? Went a bit too big at your friend’s birthday? Did “one swift beer after work” descend into a full-scale session? Sound familiar? Then it’s likely that you’re not feeling your best right this second. Never fear, because help is at hand with this gourmet collection of indulgent dishes that are guaranteed to help against even the gnarliest of hangovers. Inside you’ll find, bacon, bacon, and more bacon; the finest egg porn with the runniest yokes; and the best carb-heavy comfort food to soothe the stomach and heal a throbbing head. “What about us?” the vegans and veggies cry. Don’t panic, we wouldn’t do you like that. Check out the selection of meat-free delights that’ll put you on the road to recovery. Aren’t we good to you?

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