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Lifting the Day
Mary Collis

Category: Art & Media: Art, Photography & Fashion
ISBN: 1-913491-57-9 EAN: 978-1-913491-57-4 Format: Paperback Pages: 496 Publisher: Unicorn Year: 2021 Quantity in Stock: 71
Cover price: £20 Sale Price: £6.99

245 days of life under lockdown in Kenya through the dazzling artwork of prolific expressionist painter Mary Collis. On the first day of Kenya's COVID-19 lockdown, Mary Collis decided to post a painting to her Facebook page, suggesting she would "lift the day" during the impending two-week lockdown. She was still posting daily 245 days later. Her Facebook lockdown exhibition soon became a daily source of inspiration and sanity for Collis and her followers. Lifting the Day collects Collis's exhibition in book form, presenting 245 illustrations alongside art and words about life under lockdown in Kenya and beyond.

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