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Venice from the Sky
Riccardo Roiter Rigoni, Debora Gusson

Category: Art & Media: Art, Photography & Fashion
ISBN: 2-36195574-1 EAN: 978-2-36195574-8 Format: Hardback Pages: 237 Publisher: Jonglez Year: 2022 Quantity in Stock: 358
Cover price: £34.95 Sale Price: £9.99

Venice from the Sky is an outstanding photographic record by Riccardo Roiter Rigoni and Debora Gusson, the fruit of five years' regular flying by helicopter over Venice and its Lagoon. The flights were not confined to the city of Venice, but included all the islands of the splendid Lagoon, from Torcello to Burano, by way of Murano, as well as the wonderful island of San Francesco del Deserto, the military defences in the southern part of the Lagoon, the Lido and Pellestrina, not to mention the many now abandoned islands, large and small, located in one of the most beautiful places in the world.

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