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[cover image]

The Mix
Liora Bels

Category: Leisure: Food & Drink
ISBN: 3-83273381-7 EAN: 978-3-83273381-0 Format: Hardcover Pages: 176 Publisher: teneues Year: 2021 Quantity in Stock: 35
Cover price: £25 Sale Price: £8.99

Living a balanced way of life is about the combination of eating whole, delicious foods that are nourishing and energizing, taking care of yourself and others and about the sustainable coexistence of people and nature. Conscious living is holistic. Liora Bels philosophy as a specialist on healthy eating and wholesome living revolves around the positive effects nutrition can have on body and soul and the benefits of a plant-based diet. The Mix offers vibrant, simple, and healthy everyday meals, that are rich in wholesome, natural, fresh ingredients and easy to make. Eating well must not be stressful, but rather a celebration of the goods nature has to offer. You will find scrumptious smoothies, nutritious spreads and dips, tasty soups, bowls, and even sweets and treats. Beautiful imagery allows a glimpse into a holistic lifestyle and Liora s inspiring sense for aesthetics. The Mix is a treat for the eyes and taste buds and not exclusively for the health-conscious reader."

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