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Gertrude of Stony Island Avenue
James Purdy

Category: Fiction: General
ISBN: 0-7206-1011-7 EAN: 978-0-7206-1011-6 Format: Hardback Pages: 148 Publisher: Peter Owen Year: 1997 Quantity in Stock: 46
Cover price: £15.95 Sale Price: £4.99

In England his novels are always bestsellers, yet for the last decade this American literary master has not been published in his own country. No longer! Gertrude of Stony Island Avenue displays the same plainspoken power that has dazzled Purdy's devoted audience for decades. The story of a woman's struggle to come to terms with a life seemingly emptied of meaning by her estranged daughter's death, it explores themes that Purdy has long made his own: the mysterious connections between creativity & self destruction; the human alchemy that binds us even as it forces us apart; the paradox of loss that leads ultimately to renewed life & love. Its portraits of two very different women -- a bereaved, bewildered mother & the artistic, passionate, doomed daughter she is still striving to understand -- are sketched in deceptively simple lines that finally, magically depict a complex world filled with characters observed in such utterly particular detail that they achieve a resonant universality that every reader will recognize.

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