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Beastly Bath
Kibblethwaite, Mcdonnell & Harris

Category: Leisure: Travel
ISBN: 0-7509-5968-1 EAN: 978-0-7509-5968-1 Format: paperback Pages: 127 Publisher: The History Press Year: 2014 Quantity in Stock: 172
Cover price: £9.99 Sale Price: £3.99

They came, they saw, they hated it. . . Bath is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. However, go back in time and it was a very different place. In this entertaining compendium of caustic quotes, famous visitors of the past, including the likes of Jane Austen and Charles Dickens, queue up to complain of freezing behinds, insulting chairmen, villainous smells, naked bodies, wanton dalliances, hurled dogs, and far, far worse. . . This volume is handsomely illustrated by the talented Bath cartoonist Perry Harris.

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