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[cover image]

Cotes D'Armor
Philip Plisson & D Le Brun

Category: Leisure: Travel
ISBN: 1-58479-442-9 EAN: 978-1-58479-442-4 Format: Hardcover Pages: 95 Publisher: Stewart, Tabori & Chang Year: 2005 Quantity in Stock: 86
Cover price: £12.95 Sale Price: £3.99

The coasts of Goele, Penthievre and Emeraude are among the main attractions for holiday-makers in Brittany. They are the object of Philip Plisson's lense in this book, including photographs taken both on foot and by air. Plisson reveals long sandy beaches ending in granite cliffs, the medieval chateau at Fort-la-Latte, the gothic ruins of the abbey at Beauport, and the different faces and colours of the sea.

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