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[cover image]

Matthew Todd

Category: General Non Fiction: Politics/Current Affairs
ISBN: 1-68188-523-9 EAN: 978-1-68188-523-0 Format: Hardback Pages: 192 Publisher: Weldon Owen Year: 2020 Quantity in Stock: 114
Cover price: £30.99 Sale Price: £9.99

In June 1969, police raided New York gay bar the Stonewall Inn. Pride charts the events of that night, the days and nights of rioting that followed, the ensuing organization of local members of the community – and the 50 years since in which activists and ordinary people have dedicated their lives to reversing the global position. Pride documents the milestones in the fight for LGBTQ equality, from the victories of early activists to the passing of legislation barring discrimination, and the gradual acceptance of the LGBTQ community in politics, sport, culture and the media. Rare images and documents cover the seminal moments, events and breakthroughs of the movement, while personal testimonies share the voices of key figures on a broad range of topics. Pride is a unique celebration of LGBTQ culture, an account of the ongoing challenges facing the community, and a testament to the equal rights that have been won for many as a result of the passion and determination of this mass movement.

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