Starting with Berkeley
Nick Jones
Category: Humanities: Philosophy
ISBN: 1-84706-187-7 EAN: 978-1-84706-187-4 Format: Paperback Pages: 191 Publisher: Continuum Year: 2009 Quantity in Stock: 122
Cover price: £13.99 Sale Price:£3.99
George Berkeley (1685-1753) was one of the most important and influential philosophers in the history of Western thought. He is most famous for his controversial denial of the existence of matter, and for his 'idealism' - the claim that everyday objects are simply collections of ideas in the mind. Starting with Berkeley provides a detailed overview of Berkeley's philosophy, a user-friendly guide to the interpretation of his arguments, and the opportunity for the reader to critically engage with Berkeley's philosophical moves via an examination of some of the common objections which have been raised against them. The book also introduces the major philosophical figures and theories that influenced and inspired Berkeley's thinking and gives a clear sense of the controversy that surrounds the interpretation and evaluation of his ideas.
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