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[cover image]

Experiment at Work
Andy Law

Category: General Non Fiction: Business
ISBN: 1-86197-437-X EAN: 978-1-86197-437-2 Format: Paperback Pages: 223 Publisher: Profile Books Ltd Year: 2003 Quantity in Stock: 196
Cover price: £15 Sale Price: £1.99

A fascinating book that shows managers a new way to think about, and manage, companies - and how to succeed in the future. Andy Law is the founder and chairman of St Luke's, a successful advertising agency, and one of the most talked-about and studied companies in the world. Described by the prestigious Harvard Business Review as "the most frightening company on earth", and renowned for its innovative (bordering on experimental) management practices and thinking, St Luke's is viewed by many as the company of the future. In this book, Andy Law - himself now elevated to guru status - explains the philosophy and methods behind St Luke's success. This is very much based upon putting personal growth and development ahead of business growth and development. In analysing the success of St Luke's, Law provides points of reflection and a framework for managers and executives from any industry, who are seeking to get the most out of their employees in an age when human resources have become the vital component of nearly every company.

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