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Good Grains, Nuts & Seeds
Renee Elliott

Category: Leisure: Food & Drink
ISBN: 1-911624-13-X EAN: 978-1-911624-13-4 Format: Hardcover Pages: 128 Publisher: Pavillion Year: 2019 Quantity in Stock: 95
Cover price: £9.99 Sale Price: £3.99

Grains, nuts and seeds are increasingly popular as part of a balanced, healthy diet. As vegetarian and vegan diets rise in popularity, they are readily recognised as excellent sources of protein and carbohydrate.Including a comprehensive guide to grains, nuts and seeds, this exhaustive volume will also cover all you need to know to buy, prepare, cook and store your superfoods, including soaking, sprouting and growing at home.Over 50 recipes are divided into breakfasts, small bites, small dishes, big dishes and sweet treats & bakes. Renée Elliott has collected a mouthwatering range of recipes that are truly international in flavour whilst also covering the myriad health benefits of each ingredient.Beautifully packaged and lavishly illustrated with beautiful photography, this pocket-sized volume is an exhaustive guide to everything you need to know about grains, nuts and seeds. Other titles in this series include: Super Root Spices and Super Pulses.

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