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Fiction, Fact and Future: The Essence of EU Democracy
James Elles

Category: General Non Fiction: Politics/Current Affairs
ISBN: 1-912208-63-6 EAN: 978-1-912208-63-0 Pages: 90 Publisher: Haus Publishing Year: 2019 Quantity in Stock: 38
Cover price: £7.99 Sale Price: £2.99

Often misunderstood and misrepresented, the European Union has grown since its inception to become a system that provides democratic accountability to more than five hundred million Europeans. In Fiction, Fact and Future, James Elles unravels these misunderstandings, particularly in the British media, and offers a compelling account of the nature of the EU. In addition to providing much-needed clarifications on the EU's structure, he examines how democracy in the EU is likely to develop over the decade, with Britain absent and President Macron at the forefront of the debate, and how the European Parliament will continue to develop as a platform for the voice of the European people. A timely book in the wake of Brexit, Fiction, Fact and Future offers a guide that reveals what Britain got wrong about the EU, and charts what changes the British might see from the EU in the years ahead.

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