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Rostislav Vaněk

Category: Art & Media: Architecture & Design
ISBN: 80-8662710-1 EAN: 978-80-8662710-6 Format: Paperback Pages: 399 Publisher: Fraktaly Pub Year: 2006 Quantity in Stock: 30
Cover price: £37 Sale Price: £14.99

Graphic design is, now more than ever, a broad ranging discipline with rigorous demands for its practitioners. It requires a capacity and inclination for invention & rationality as well as an intuitive knack for human communication and cognition. Prague has often historically been at the center of innovative movements - including Art Nouveau, Constructivism & Functionalism - and it has certainly left its mark on all of the applied arts. The new Prague School is no exception, creating work that is fresh, inspired and communicative. Posters are graphically and socially vivid, and graphics for pamphlets, brochures and products are clean and outstanding. Work! is a refreshing compendium of the best student work in the vital genre of graphic design that highlights the individual achievements which reflect the sound tradition of the Czech style and its influence.

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