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Egypt in the era of Hosni Mubarak
G Amin

Category: Humanities: History
ISBN: 977-416400-8 EAN: 978-977-416400-2 Format: Hardback Pages: 173 Publisher: American University of Cairo Press Year: 2011 Quantity in Stock: 31
Cover price: £16.95 Sale Price: £6.99

A new, provocative book from the author of Whatever Happened to the Egyptians? Galal Amin once again turns his attention to the shaping of Egyptian society and the Egyptian state in the half-century and more that has elapsed since the Nasserite revolution, this time focusing on the era of President Mubarak. As usual, he orders his chapters thematically, addressing such pressing issues as corruption, poverty, the plight of the middle class, and of course, the economy. Along the way, he directs his penetrating gaze toward the Mubarak regime's uneasy relationship with the relatively free press it has encouraged, the vexing issue of presidential succession, and Egypt's relations with the Arab world and the United States. Addressing such themes from the perspective of an active participant in Egyptian intellectual life throughout the era, Galal Amin portrays the Mubarak regime's stance in the domestic and international arenas as very much a product of history, which, while not exonerating the regime, certainly helps to explain it.

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