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English Literature in the Sixteenth Century (Excluding Drama)
C.S. Lewis

Category: Art & Media: Literature & Poetry
ISBN: 0-06-322217-5 EAN: 978-0-06-322217-5 Format: Hardback Pages: 744 Publisher: HarperOne Year: 2022 Quantity in Stock: 30
Cover price: £31.55 Sale Price: £9.99

C. S. Lewis offers a magisterial take on the literature and poetry of one of the most consequential periods in world history, providing deep insight into some of the greatest writers of the age, including Edmund Spenser, William Shakespeare, William Tyndale, John Knox, Dr. Johnson, Richard Hooker, Hugh Latimer, Christopher Marlowe, John Donne, and Thomas Cranmer. English Literature in the Sixteenth Century is an invigorating overview of English literature from the Norman Conquest through the mid-seventeenth century from one of the greatest public intellectuals of the modern age. In this wise, distinctive collection, C. S. Lewis expounds on the profound impact prose and poetry had on both British intellectual life and his own critical thinking and writing, demonstrated in his deep reflections and essays.

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