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England in the Age of Dickens
Jeremy Black

Category: Humanities: History
ISBN: 1-39810169-9 EAN: 978-1-39810169-2 Format: Hardback Pages: 279 Publisher: Amberley Year: 2021 Quantity in Stock: 221
Cover price: £20 Sale Price: £6.99

Life, society, family, economy, and politics in early and mid-Victorian England mediated through the life and writings of arguably the nation's greatest novelist Beginning with an overview of the age of Dickens, Professor Jeremy Black guides the reader through the biography and writings of the great man to show how his work not only expressed his experience of Victorian England, but also defined it, for his contemporaries and for generations to come. In some ways for us, Victorian England simply is Dickens' England. Professor Black considers London as the center of all but also how Dickens even succeeded in defining the countryside - to say nothing of his effect on concepts of gender and social structure. Then there is government - from the Circumlocution Office to Britain as the supreme imperial power. Dickens describes a culture - popular, middle, and élite - and at the same time creates one. It takes a historian of Professor Black's standing to differentiate between the two and show how they inter-react.

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