The Silk Princess
Charles Santore
Category: Children's: General
ISBN: 1-60433-945-4 EAN: 978-1-60433-945-1 Format: Hardcover Pages: 43 Publisher: Applesauce Press Year: 2021 Quantity in Stock: 20
Cover price: £14.99 Sale Price: £4.99
Learn about the origin of silk alongside Princess His-Ling Chi in this wonderful adventure. Based on the ancient fable of the Silk Princess, this original story tells the history of silk in an adorable light. Charles Santore’s beautiful, best-selling illustrations pair with his original story to capture the spirit of ancient China. Follow Princess Hsi-Ling Chi as she explores the Five Sacred Mountains of China in search of the end of a silk thread. This gorgeous edition will hold an honored spot on your bookshelf for generations.
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