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Hurricane Lizards and Plastic Squid

Category: Sciences: Natural History
ISBN: 1-78578-847-7 EAN: 978-1-78578-847-5 Format: Hardback Pages: 280 Publisher: Icon Year: 2022 Quantity in Stock: 174
Cover price: £20 Sale Price: £6.99

Hurricane Lizards and Plastic Squidis the first major book by a biologist to focus on the fascinating story of how the natural world is adjusting, adapting, and sometimes measurably evolving in response to climate change. Lyrical and thought-provoking, this book broadens the climate focus from humans to the wider lattice of life. Bestselling nature writer Thor Hanson - author of Buzz (a Radio 4 'Book of the Week') - shows us how Caribbean lizards have grown larger toe pads to grip trees more tightly during frequent hurricanes; and how the 'plasticity' of squid has allowed them to change their body size and breeding habits to cope with altered sea temperatures. Plants and animals have a great deal to teach us about the nature of what comes next, because for many of them, and also for many of us, that world is already here.

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