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Return to Fukushima
Rebecca Bathory

Category: Art & Media: Art, Photography & Fashion
ISBN: 1-908211-48-2 EAN: 978-1-908211-48-4 Format: Hardback Pages: 192 Publisher: Carpet Bombing Culture Year: 2017 Quantity in Stock: 126
Cover price: £19.95 Sale Price: £7.99

Following on from her epic photographical journey behind the Iron Curtain in Soviet Ghosts The Soviet Union Abandoned: A Communist Empire in DecayRebecca Bathory undertakes an emotional and thought provoking journey to Fukushima. As one of the first photographers to be granted access to the site, Bathory now presents never-before-seen images which provide a unique and moving meditation on human failure seen through the lens of an accomplished artist. Bathory's images take you behind the scenes of the ghost town that is Fukushima, at turns heartbreaking and devastating. These photographs ask the question - what next for a nuclear future?

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