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Kyle Theory
Lily O'Farrell

Category: Humour: General
ISBN: 1-911648-30-6 EAN: 978-1-911648-30-7 Format: Paperback Pages: 128 Publisher: Indigo Year: 2021 Quantity in Stock: 200
Cover price: £11.99 Sale Price: £3.99

How do you approach the pressing issues of feminism, sexism, and the patriarchy with the men in your life? Get a copy of Kyle Theory, the obscenely funny debut book from Instagram artist Lily O'Farrell. Based on the author's wildly popular Instagram account @vulgadrawings, Kyle Theory is a hilarious and accessible guide to feminism, dating, internet culture, and navigating everyday life. Enjoy cartoons covering topics like the four types of female characters in every Romantic Comedy, the annoying "allow me to play devil's advocate" argument, and some adorable DIY instructions for a cute dress made out of the red flags your ex gave you. Warning: don't feed the troll.

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